The parking management system has been undergoing major changes over the past few decades and it is transitioning from the tried-and-true methods to new, exciting, and hi-tech methods. While the tried-and-true methods included aspects such as conventional meters, chalked tires, gates and spitters, and cash payments, the new and tech-friendly methods include features such as smartphone-based payment, booking parking space through software or apps, pay-by-plate, and pay-by-space.

Apart from these tech-based changes, the parking management system is looking to adopt an agile approach with the integration of parking management software and parking methodologies similar to Airbnb for parking. The changeover of this management system is sensible due to our reliance on cloud-based technologies and real-time communication.

Airbnb for parking like enterprises that have already transitioned to the modern and tech-based methodologies such as software for parking management is reaping major benefits in revenue generation, customer satisfaction, and increased compliance. Regardless of the growth curve improvements are always welcome and the parking management system is looking far and wide to identify new ways to develop furthermore.

This is where agile methodology/approach matters the most since it is one of the modern-day innovations that provide new ways to consider collaboration, project management, and product development.

What is Agile Methodology?

Getting more work out or less work is the manifesto of agile methodology. An agile methodology is based on collaboration among individuals and organizations for cross-functionality. It is also the opposite of top-down management which allows for quick and efficient workflow and work management.

Agile Approach in Parking Management System

Professional attributes such as efficient project management, adaptability, and responsiveness would be fitting for an industry like the parking management system, because it involves various facets such as prospective individuals, changing scenarios, enforcement objectives, etc. Agile methodology in this system allows for various teams of all business verticals to work in unison for a particular project though it may involve separate aspects. 

Agile Methodology for Parking Management

So how does the agile approach impact the parking management system? Here are a few tenets to explain the benefits of an agile approach in the system.

  • Delegation of Task – Parking management agencies are actors who work on behalf of the municipality (the larger entity). This municipality is part of the much larger transportation department, which has various directives to be executed across multiple levels all the way down to the end-user. Efficiently organizing the complete process is no easy task and it requires a delegation of tasks across the entirety of this system. With an agile approach, it is easy for the municipality to delegate the right work to the right agency for a seamless parking management system.
  • Better Organization and Coordination Among Agencies – Agencies that are better organized and coordinated can provide better services and coverage. All the agencies and teams of the parking management system must exhibit high levels of coordination and be on the same page to ensure a lag-free and proficient flow of the business process. The agile approach helps the teams and agencies have the highest level of coordination and organization methods to deliver the best management solution possible.
  • Task-Oriented Business Model – In the parking management system the business model is task-oriented that is time and team-sensitive. This is mainly because of the varying demand for parking space across the city or state at a given point in time. The agile approach in this system is highly task-oriented regardless of its type and magnitude. With an agile approach, it can coordinate and redirect the required resources to the specific task that is demanding.
  • Best Use of Parking Management Software – As mentioned earlier agile methodology makes the most out of the resources provided. The integration of software for parking management has been one of the best improvements in this management system and with agile methodology in place, the usage of this software can be optimized to the highest degree to ensure the most efficient and seamless business flow in the parking management system. RentCubo is one of the best software and mobile app development companies that can develop and launch robust software for parking management just like Airbnb for parking.
  • Software Industry Like Attribute – Agile methodology was originally developed by and for the software industry, which ensured high levels of efficiency, responsiveness, accountability, adaptability, transparency, development, and collaboration. By integrating agile methodology into the parking management system, these hallmark attributes of agile methodology can be transferred to the system as well. This could probably be one of the better aspects of an agile approach in the system.

The larger municipalities, working with parking management agencies, that would like to stay ahead of the game and get more results from less work from their local parking management agencies can definitely achieve their goals with the agile approach in this management system. It will be all the more effective for the municipalities to work with such agencies that know about agile methodology. This will ensure an agile approach in the system across the entire business process.

RentCubo’s products are developed with agile approach in mind, hence all our software and mobile applications can not only accommodate agile methodology into their interface but also induce an agile approach through their unique and interactive features.