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  4. How to access the admin panel view files in the source code?

How to access the admin panel view files in the source code?

Admin Panel Directory Path

  1. Project language directory pathresources/lang/message
  2. Project views directory pathresources/viewsyou can find the separate admin directory module,auth login directory, layouts directory and notification directory.
  3. Go to the project resources path → main part of admin panel source lang directory, views directory under sub directories for all.
  4. The `resources` directory is a manage admin panel view folder and language folder.
  5. Lang directory under en directory, messages files.
  6. You can add multiple languages within your application
  7. /resources /lang /en/ messages.php /resources /lang /tn/ messages.php
  8. Views directory under sub directories for all the files is admin panel source code paths.