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  3. Quick Start
  4. Where I can change the home page content and images?

Where I can change the home page content and images?

Home Page

    Section 1:
  1. In this page you can change the home page content and image.
  2. src/components/Home/homeMainBanner.jsx
change home page
    Section 2:
  1. In this section you can update the category display section and Introducing project homes.
  2. src/components/Home/homeFrontStaticContent.jsx
category display
    1. Section 3:
    2. In this section you can update the recently uploaded host details with show more option.
    3. src/components/Home/homeRoomContent.jsx
    1. Section 4:
    2. In this section you view and update the host location details.
    3. src/components/Home/locationPage.jsx
location page
    1. Section 5:
    2. In this section you can update the top rated host details and show more top rated host option.
    3. src/components/Home/homeRoomContent.jsx
top rated host
    Section 6:
  1. In this section you can change the static page of homes for your kind of trip content and images.
  2. src/components/Home/homeExtraContent.jsx
home trip
    Section 7:
  1. In this section you can find the recommended host list and change the title with get the host details from backend(database).
  2. src/components/Home/homeRoomContent.jsx
recommend host
    Section 8:
  1. In this section final footer part of the rentcubo.In this part the common for all the pages. you can find here static pages details and content.
  2. src/components/Home/homeLastcontent.jsx
home last content