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Models and DB Explanation

List of Core Models

A Model is what connects your application to the Database. Core Models can be used to query the database or creating an entry in one. Core Models are located in app/Models directory.


  1. Admin
  2. BellNotification
  3. Booking
  4. BookingChat
  5. BookingPayment
  6. BookingProviderReview
  7. BookingUserReview
  8. Category
  9. ChatMessage
  10. CommonQuestion
  11. CommonQuestionAnswer
  12. CommonQuestionGroup
  13. Document
  14. Host
  15. HostAvailability
  16. HostAvailabilityList
  17. HostDetails
  18. HostGallery
  19. HostInventory
  20. HostQuestionsAnswer
  21. Lookups
  22. MobileRegister
  23. PageCounter
  24. Provider
  25. ProviderBillingInfo
  26. ProviderCard
  27. ProviderDetails
  28. ProviderDocument
  29. ProviderSubscription
  30. ProviderSubscriptionPayment
  31. ServiceLocation
  32. Settings
  33. StaticPage
  34. SubCategory
  35. User
  36. UserBillingInfo
  37. UserCard
  38. UserRefund
  39. UserVehicle
  40. Wishlist


Located in `App/Admin` directory and namespace is `App\Admin`. To use this model add `use App\Admin;’

In model attributes,

  • ‘email’
  • ‘password’

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of admin(Primary key).
namestringIt stores the username of admin.
emailstringIt stores the email of admin.
aboutstringIt stores the about of admin.
mobilestringIt stores the mobile of admin.
picturestringIt stores the picture of admin.
passwordstringIt stores the password of admin.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of admin.


Located in `App/BellNotification` directory and namespace is `App\BellNotification`. To use this model add `use App\BellNotification;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

idincrementsIt stores the id of bellnotification (Primary key).
from_idintegerIt stores the from id of bell notification.
to_idstringIt stores the to id of bell notification.
notification_typestringIt stores the bellnotification type.
redirection_typestringIt stores the redirection type of notification.
receiverenum(user, providers, others)It stores the receiver for bell notification(user, providers or others).
messagetextIt stores the message to notification.
booking_idintegerIt stores the notification booking id.
host_idintegerIt stores the notification host id.
statusintegerIt stores the status of notification.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of admin.


Located in `App/Booking` directory, namespace is `App\Booking`. To use this model add `use App\Booking;’

In booking model connects with other models,

  • ‘UserDetails’ – Get the booking users
  • ‘ProviderDetails’ – Get the booking providers
  • ‘HostDetails’ – Get the booking for particular host
  • ‘BookingChats’ – Booking chats
  • ‘BookingPayments’ – Booking payments details

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of booking. Primary key
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of booking.
emailstringIt stores the email of admin.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of booking.
mobilestringIt stores the mobile of admin.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id of booking.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of booking.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of booking.

Booking Chat

Located in `App/BookingChat` directory, namespace is `App\BookingChat`. To use this model add `use App\BookingChat;’

In booking chat model connects with other models,

  • ‘UserDetails’ – To get the user for chat
  • ‘ProviderDetails’ – To get the provider for chat
  • ‘BookingDetails’ -Booking details is based chat.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of chat.
booking_idintegerIt stores the booking id of chat.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of chat.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of chat.
host_idstringIt stores the host id of chat.
messagetextIt stores the message of chat.
is_deliveredtinyIntegerIt stores the delivered status of chat.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of booking chat.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of booking chat.

Booking Payment

Located in `App/BookingPayment` directory, namespace is `App\BookingPayment`. To use this model add `use App\BookingPayment;’

The booking payment model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in payments.

The payments methods,

  • ‘scopebookingpaymentdetails’
  • ‘scopebookingpaymentdetailsview’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of booking payment.
booking_idintegerIt stores the booking id of booking payment.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of booking payment.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of booking payment.
host_idstringIt stores the host id of booking payment.
payment_idstringIt stores the payment id of booking payment.
payment_modestringIt stores the payment mode for COD/CARD payments
currencystringIt stores the currecy of the booking payments
total_timestringIt stores the total time of booking payments
base_pricefloatIt stores the booking base price
time_pricefloatIt stores the booking time price
other_pricefloatIt stores the booking other price
sub_totalfloatIt stores the sub total of booking payments
tax_pricefloatIt stores the booking tax price
actual_totalfloatIt stores the actual amount of booking.
totalfloatIt stores the total amount of booking.
paid_amountfloatIt stores the paid amount details for booking payments.
paid_datefloatIt stores the paid date of the booking payments.
admin_amountfloatIt stores the admin commission for the booking.
provider_amountfloatIt stores the provider commission for the booking.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of booking.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of booking.

Booking Provider Review

Located in `App/BookingProviderReview` directory, namespace is `App\BookingProviderReview`.To use this model add `use App\BookingProviderReview;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of booking payment.
booking_idintegerIt stores the booking id of booking payment.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of review bookings.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of review bookings.
host_idstringIt stores the host id of review bookings.
ratingsstringIt stores the ratings of booking hosts
reviewstringIt stores the review of booking hosts
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of payment.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of payment.

Booking User Review

Located in `App/BookingUserReview` directory, namespace is `App\BookingUserReview`.To use this model add `use App\BookingUserReview;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of booking payment.
booking_idintegerIt stores the booking id of booking payment.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of review bookings.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of review bookings.
host_idstringIt stores the host id of review bookings.
ratingsstringIt stores the ratings of booking hosts
reviewstringIt stores the review of booking hosts
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of payment.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of payment.


Located in `App/Category` directory, namespace is `App\Category`.To use this model add `use App\Category;’

In this model get the boot method of unique id.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of category.
unique_idintegerIt stores the unique id of the categories.
namestringIt stores the name of categories
provider_namestringIt stores the provider name of category.
picturestringIt stores the picture of category.
descriptiontextIt stores the description of category.
typestringIt stores the type of category.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of category.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of category.


Located in `App/ChatMessage` directory, namespace is `App\ChatMessage`.To use this model add `use App\ChatMessage;’

Chatmessage are some mandary fillable attributes of below.

host_id, booking_id, provider_id, user_id, message,type, status

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of category.
booking_idintegerIt stores the booking id for chat message.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id of chat message.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id of the chat message.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of the chat message.
typetextIt stores the type of the message(UP,PU).
typestringIt stores the type of category.
messagetextIt stores the messages.
is_deliveredintegerIt stores delivered messages.
statusintegerIt stores the status of the message.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of message.


Located in `App/CommonQuestions` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestions`.To use this model add `use App\CommonQuestions;’

In this model connect with some other model related on questions.

  • ‘CategoryDetails’ – Question is created on category base
  • ‘SubcategoryDetails’
    – Question is created on subcategory related on category.

In this model get the boot method of unique id.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of questions.
unique_idintegerIt stores the unique id of the questions.
category_idintegerIt stores the category id of questions.
sub_category_idintegerIt stores the sub category id of questions.
user_questiontextIt stores the user questions.
provider_questiontextIt stores the provider questions.
picturestringIt stores the picture of questions.
question_typestringIt stores the question type.
is_searchabletinyIntegerIt stores the searchable values of questions.
is_inventorytinyIntegerIt stores the inventory values of questions.
min_valuestringIt stores the min value of questions
default_valuestringIt stores the default of questions.
max_valuestringIt stores the max values of questions
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of questions
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of questions.


Located in `App/CommonQuestionAnswer` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestionAnswer`.To use this model add `use App\Models\CommonQuestionAnswer;’

In this model get the boot method of unique id.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of questionsanswers.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of the questionsanswers
common_question_idintegerIt stores the common questions id.
common_answertextIt stores the common answer of the questions.
common_provider_answertextIt stores the common provider question answer.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of questions.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of questions.


Located in `App/CommonQuestionGroup` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestionGroup`.To use this model add `use App\CommonQuestionGroup;’

In this model get the boot method of unique id.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of questionsgroup.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of the questionsgroup
group_namestringIt stores the group name.
provider_group_namestringIt stores the provider group name.
common_question_idintegerIt stores the common question id.
typestringIt stores the type of questions group.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of questionsgroup.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of questionsgroup.


Located in `App/Document` directory, namespace is `App\Document`.To use this model add `use App\Document;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of documents.
namestringIt stores the name of documents
descriptionstringIt stores the description of document.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of document.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of document.


Located in `App/Host` directory, namespace is `App\Host`.To use this model add `use App\Host;’

In this model is connect with some other models.

  • ‘hostAvailabilities()’ – Get the availabilities hosts.
  • ‘hostGalleries()’
    – Get the host galleries.
  • ‘hostInventories()’
    – Get the host inventories.
  • ‘hostQuestionAnswers()’
    – Get the host question answers.
  • ‘bookings()’
    – Get the host bookings.
  • ‘providerDetails()’
    -Get the host booking providers.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of host.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of host
category_idintegerIt stores the cateory id of host
sub_category_idintegerIt stores the sub category id of host.
host_namestringIt stores the host name.
descriptiontextIt stores the host description
picturestringIt stores the picture of the host.
latitudedoubleIt stores the latitude of host location.
longitudedoubleIt stores the longitude of host location
full_addresstextIt stores the full address of host location.
street_detailsstringIt stores the street details of host
citystringIt stores the city of the host.
statestringIt stores the state of host
zipcodestringIt stores the zip code of the host.
base_pricefloatIt stores the base price of host.
per_pricefloatIt stores the per price of host.
tax_pricefloatIt stores the tax price of host
overall_ratingsfloatIt stores the overall ratings of host.
total_ratingsintegerIt stores the total ratings of host
is_admin_verifiedtinyIntegerIt stores the admin verified status.
admin_statustinyIntegerIt stores the admin status for host.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of host
uploaded_bystringIt stores the uploaded by the host
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host.

Host Availability

Located in `App/HostAvailability` directory, namespace is `App\HostAvailability`.To use this model add `use App\HostAvailability;’

No migrations files.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of hostavailable.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id for available host.
available_datedateTimeIt stores the host available date.
sub_category_idintegerIt stores the sub category id of host.
totalstringIt stores the total number of host available.
remainingstringIt stores the host remaining details.
bookedstringIt stores the booked host details.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of host
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host.

Host Availability List

Located in `App/HostAvailabilityList` directory, namespace is `App\HostAvailabilityList`.To use this model add `use App\HostAvailabilityList;’

No migrations files.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of hostavailable.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id for available host.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id.
from_datedateTimeIt stores the from date.
to_datedateTimeIt stores the to date.
spacesstringIt stores the space details.
typetinyIntegerIt stores the host type
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of host
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host.

Host Details

Located in `App/HostDetails` directory, namespace is `App\HostDetails`.To use this model add `use App\HostDetails;’

No migrations files.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of hostdetails.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id for available host.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of host details
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host.

Host Gallery

Located in `App/HostGallery` directory, namespace is `App\HostGallery`.To use this model add `use App\HostGallery;’

No migrations files.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of host.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id.
picturestringIt stores the host pictures.
captionintegerIIt stores the caption pictures of host.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of host gallery.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host gallery.

Host Inventory

Located in `App/HostInventory` directory, namespace is `App\HostInventory`.To use this model add `use App\HostInventory;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of host.
host_idintegerIt stores the host id.
common_question_idintegerIt stores the host inventories common questions.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host inventories.

Host Question Answer

Located in `App/HostQuestionAnswer` directory, namespace is `App\HostQuestionAnswer`.To use this model add `use App\HostQuestionAnswer;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

idincrementsIt stores the id of host questions answer.
provider_idintegerIt stores the host id.
common_question_idintegerIt stores the host common questions id.
common_question_answer_idintegerIt stores the host common question answer id.
answerstextIt stores the answers of hosts.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of questions.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of host questions answers.


Located in `App/Lookups` directory, namespace is `App\Lookups`.To use this model add `use App\Lookups;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of lookups.
typestringIt stores the lookups type.
keystringIt stores the lookups key.
valuestringIt stores the lookups value.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of questions.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of lookups

Mobile Register

Located in `App/MobileRegister` directory, namespace is `App\MobileRegister`.To use this model add `use App\MobileRegister;’

In this model is get the mobile register details.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of mobile register.
typestringIt stores the type of mobile register.
countintegerIt stores the total number count in mobile register.
user_typestringIt stores the user type.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of mobile register.

Page Counter

Located in `App/PageCounter` directory, namespace is `App\PageCounter`.To use this model add `use App\PageCounter;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of page.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of page.
pagestringIt stores the page details.
countIntegerIt stores the pages count.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of pages.


Located in `App/Provider` directory, namespace is `App\Provider`.To use this model add `use App\Provider;’

In this provider is related on some other models.

  • ‘hosts()’ – Get the availabilities hosts.
  • ‘providerCards()’
    – Provider add cards.

The provider model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in providers.

The provider methods,

  • ‘scopeCommonResponse’
  • ‘generateEmailCode’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of provider.
usernamestringIt stores the username of the provider
first_namestringIt stores the firstname of the provider.
last_namestringIt stores the last name of the provider.
emailstringIt stores the email of the provider.
tokenstringIt stores the token of the provider.
provider_typestringIt stores the provider type.
email_verified_attimestampIt stores email verified status.
passwordstringIt stores the password of the provider.
descriptionstringIt stores the description of provider.
mobilestringIt stores the mobile number of provider.
picturestringIt stores the picture of the provider.
token_expirystringIt stores the token expiry for provider.
user_typetinyIntegerIt stores the user type .
language_idintegerIt stores the language id of provider.
device_tokenstringIt stores device token details
device_typeenumIt stores device type. (‘web’,’android’,’ios’)
register_typeenumIt stores the register type.(‘web’,’android’,’ios’)
login_byenumIt stores the login by details.(‘manual’,’facebook’,’google’,’twitter’ , ‘linkedin’)
social_unique_idstringIt stores the provider social unique id details.
genderenumIt store the gender of the provider.(‘male’,’female’,’others’)
payment_modestringIt stores the payment mode (cod, card)
provider_card_idstringIt stores the provider card id.
registration_stepstinyIntegerIt stores the registration steps.
email_notification_statusintegerIt stores the email notification status.
is_verifiedintegerIt stores the verified status.
verification_codestringIt stores the verification code of the provider.
verification_code_expirystringIt stores the verification code expiry.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of provider.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)

Provider Billing Info

Located in `App/ProviderBillingInfo` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderBillingInfo`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderBillingInfo;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider billing info.
provider_idintegerIt stores the id of provider.
account_namestringIt stores the account name of the provider.
paypal_emailstringIt stores the paypal email of the provider.
account_nostringIt stores the account number of the provider.
route_nostringIt stores rounte number of the provider.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider billing info.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of provider.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)


Located in `App/ProviderCard` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderCard`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderCard;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider card.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id.
card_namestringIt stores the customer id of card.
customer_idstringIt stores the pages count.
last_fourstringIt stores the last four digits of provider card.
card_tokenstringIt stores the card token details.
is_defaultstringIt stores the card default status.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider card.

Provider Details

Located in `App/ProviderDetails` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderDetails`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderDetails;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider details.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider status.

Provider Document

Located in `App/ProviderDocument` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderDocument`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderDocument;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/CreateProviderDocumentsTable

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider document it.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id.
document_idintegerIt stores the document id.
document_urlstringIt stores the document url.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider documents.

Provider Subscription

Located in `App/ProviderSubscription` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderSubscription`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderSubscription;’

Provider subscription models get the common details for provider subscriptions.


DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of provider subscription.
unique_idintegerIt stores the provider subscription unique id.
titlestringIt stores the title of the provider subscription.
descriptiontextIt stores the description of provider subscription.
picturestringIt stores the picture of the subscription.
amountstringIt stores the amount of the subscription.
planstringIt stores the plan of the subscription.
plan_typeenumIt stores the plan type of subscription(PLAN_TYPE_MONTH, PLAN_TYPE_DAY, PLAN_TYPE_YEAR).
total_subscribersintegerIt stores the total subscribers count of the subscription.
statusintegerIt stores the status of the subscription.
is_popularintegerIt stores the status of popular/unpopular the subscription.
is_free_subscriptionintegerIt stores the free subscription or not status.

Provider Subscription Payments

Located in `App/ProviderSubscriptionPayment` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderSubscriptionPayment`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderSubscriptionPayment;’

Store the provider subscription payments details.Below functions are get the provider details and subscription details based on payments.



DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of subscription payments.
provider_idintegerIt stores the provider id of payments.
provider_subscription_idIntegerIt stores the provider subscription id the payments.
payment_idstringIt stores the payment id for subscription payments.
payment_modestringIt stores the subscripion payment mode(CARD).
expiry_datedateTimeIt stores the payment expiry date.
subscription_amountfloatIt stores the subscription amount.
paid_amountfloatIt stores the paid amount of subscriptions.
paid_datedateTimeIt stores the paid date of the subscription amount.
statusintegerIt stores the status of the payments(paid/Not paid).
is_current_subscriptionintegerIt stores the current subscription or not status.
is_cancelledintegerIt stores the susbcription cancelled or not status.
cancelled_reasonstringIt stores the cancelled reason of the payments.
subscribed_bystringIt stores the subscribed by provider.

Service Location

Located in `App/ServiceLocation` directory, namespace is `App\ServiceLocation`.To use this model add `use App\ServiceLocation;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of service location.
unique_idintegerIt stores the unique id of service location.
namestringIt stores the name of the service location.
picturestringIt stores the picture of the service locations.
descriptiontextIt stores the description of the location.
addressstringIt stores the address of the service locations.
cover_radiusstringIt stores the radius of the location.
latitudedoubleIt stores the latitude of the service location.
longitudedoubleIt stores the longitude of the service location.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of service location.


Located in `App/Settings` directory, namespace is `App\Settings`.To use this model add `use App\Settings;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/CreateSettingsTable

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of settings.
keystringIt stores the key of settings.
valuetextIt stores the value of the settings.

Static Page

Located in `App/StaticPage` directory, namespace is `App\StaticPage`.To use this model add `use App\StaticPage;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of static pages.
unique_idintegerIt stores the unique id of pages.
titletextIt stores the title of static pages.
descriptiontextIt stores the description of pages.
typeenumIt stores the type of pages. ( ‘about’,’privacy’,’terms’,’refund’,’faq’,’help’,’contact’,’others’)
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of pages.


Located in `App/SubCategory` directory, namespace is `App\SubCategory`.To use this model add `use App\SubCategory;’

In this model related on category model

  • ‘categoryDetails()’ – Get the category details.

Create the unique_id of subcategory.

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of service location.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of subcategory.
category_idintegerIt stores the category id related on subcategory.
namestringIt stores the name of the subcategory.
provider_namestringIt stores the subcategory related on provider name.
picturestringIt stores the picture of the subcategory.
descriptiontextIt stores the description of subcategory.
typestringIt stores the type of subcategory.
statusintegerIt stores the status of pages.


Located in `App/User` directory, namespace is `App\User`.To use this model add `use App\User;’

In this model is connected to some other models.

  • ‘userCards()’
  • ‘wishlists()’
  • ‘userBookings()’

TThe user model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in user details.

The user methods,

  • ‘generateEmailCode’
  • ‘scopeCommonResponse’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

idincrementsIt stores the id of user.
unique_idstringIt stores the unique id of user.
usernamestringIt stores the username of the user
first_namestringIt stores the firstname of the user.
last_namestringIt stores the last name of the user.
emailstringIt stores the email of the user.
tokenstringIt stores the token of the user.
email_verified_attimestampIt stores email verified status.
passwordstringIt stores the password of the user.
dobstringIt stores the dob of the user.
descriptionstringIt stores the description of user.
mobilestringIt stores the mobile number of user.
picturestringIt stores the picture of the user.
token_expirystringIt stores the token expiry for user.
user_typetinyIntegerIt stores the user type .
language_idintegerIt stores the language id of user.
device_tokenstringIt stores device token details
device_typeenumIt stores device type. (‘web’,’android’,’ios’)
register_typeenumIt stores the register type.(‘web’,’android’,’ios’)
login_byenumIt stores the login by details.(‘manual’,’facebook’,’google’,’twitter’ , ‘linkedin’)
social_unique_idstringIt stores the user social unique id details.
genderenumIt store the gender of the user.(‘male’,’female’,’others’)
payment_modestringIt stores the payment mode (cod, card)
user_card_idstringIt stores the user card id.
registration_stepstinyIntegerIt stores the registration steps.
push_notification_statusintegerIt stores the push notification status.
email_notification_statusintegerIt stores the email notification status.
is_verifiedintegerIt stores the verified status.
verification_codestringIt stores the verification code of the user.
verification_code_expirystringIt stores the verification code expiry.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of provider.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of user.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)

User Billing Info

Located in `App/UserBillingInfo` directory, namespace is `App\UserBillingInfo`.To use this model add `use App\UserBillingInfo;’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

idincrementsIt stores the id of user billing info.
user_idintegerIt stores the id of user.
account_namestringIt stores the account name of the user.
paypal_emailstringIt stores the paypal email of the user.
account_nostringIt stores the account number of the user.
route_nostringIt stores rounte number of the user.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of user billing info.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of user.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)

User Card

Located in `App/UserCard` directory, namespace is `App\UserCard`.To use this model add `use App\UserCard;’

In this model is belongs to user details model

  • ‘userDetails()’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of user card.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id.
card_namestringIt stores the customer id of card.
customer_idstringIt stores the pages count.
last_fourstringIt stores the last four digits of user card.
card_tokenstringIt stores the card token details.
is_defaultstringIt stores the card default status.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of user card.

User Refund

Located in `App/UserRefund` directory, namespace is `App\UserRefund`.To use this model add `use App\UserRefund;’

In this model is belongs to user details model

  • ‘userDetails()’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of user refund.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id.
totalfloatIt stores total amount of user refunds.
paid_amountfloatIt stores the paid amount for user refund.
remaining_amountfloatIt stores the remaining amount of user refund.
paid_datedateTimeIt stores the paid date for user refunds.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of user refund.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of user refund.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)

User Vehicle

Located in `App/UserVehicle` directory, namespace is `App\UserVehicle`.To use this model add `use App\UserVehicle;’

In this model is belongs to user vehicle details model

  • ‘scopeCommonResponse()’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of user vehicle.
user_idintegerIt stores the user id.
vehicle_typestringIt stores user vehicle type.
vehicle_numberstringIt stores user vehicle number.
vehicle_brandstringIt stores the user vehicle brand.
vehicle_modelstringIt stores the user vehicle model.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of user vehicle.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of user vehicle.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)


Located in `App/Wishlist` directory, namespace is `App\Wishlist`.To use this model add `use App\Wishlist;’

In this model is belongs to user details model

  • ‘userDetails()’

The wishlist model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in user details.

The wishlist methods,

  • ‘scopeCommonResponse’

DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables

The attributes are listed below.

idincrementsIt stores the id of wishlist.
nameintegerIt stores the name of the wishlist.
host_idstringIt stores the host id.
user_idstringIt stores the user id.
statustinyIntegerIt stores the status of wishlist.
timezonestringIt stores the timezone of wishlist.(‘America/Los_Angeles’)