List of Core Models
A Model is what connects your application to the Database. Core Models can be used to query the database or creating an entry in one. Core Models are located in app/Models directory.
- Admin
- BellNotification
- Booking
- BookingChat
- BookingPayment
- BookingProviderReview
- BookingUserReview
- Category
- ChatMessage
- CommonQuestion
- CommonQuestionAnswer
- CommonQuestionGroup
- Document
- Host
- HostAvailability
- HostAvailabilityList
- HostDetails
- HostGallery
- HostInventory
- HostQuestionsAnswer
- Lookups
- MobileRegister
- PageCounter
- Provider
- ProviderBillingInfo
- ProviderCard
- ProviderDetails
- ProviderDocument
- ProviderSubscription
- ProviderSubscriptionPayment
- ServiceLocation
- Settings
- StaticPage
- SubCategory
- User
- UserBillingInfo
- UserCard
- UserRefund
- UserVehicle
- Wishlist
Located in `App/Admin` directory and namespace is `App\Admin`. To use this model add `use App\Admin;’
In model attributes,
- ‘email’
- ‘password’
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of admin(Primary key). |
name | string | It stores the username of admin. |
string | It stores the email of admin. | |
about | string | It stores the about of admin. |
mobile | string | It stores the mobile of admin. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of admin. |
password | string | It stores the password of admin. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of admin. |
Located in `App/BellNotification` directory and namespace is `App\BellNotification`. To use this model add `use App\BellNotification;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of bellnotification (Primary key). |
from_id | integer | It stores the from id of bell notification. |
to_id | string | It stores the to id of bell notification. |
notification_type | string | It stores the bellnotification type. |
redirection_type | string | It stores the redirection type of notification. |
receiver | enum(user, providers, others) | It stores the receiver for bell notification(user, providers or others). |
message | text | It stores the message to notification. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the notification booking id. |
host_id | integer | It stores the notification host id. |
status | integer | It stores the status of notification. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of admin. |
Located in `App/Booking` directory, namespace is `App\Booking`. To use this model add `use App\Booking;’
In booking model connects with other models,
- ‘UserDetails’ – Get the booking users
- ‘ProviderDetails’ – Get the booking providers
- ‘HostDetails’ – Get the booking for particular host
- ‘BookingChats’ – Booking chats
- ‘BookingPayments’ – Booking payments details
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of booking. Primary key |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of booking. |
string | It stores the email of admin. | |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of booking. |
mobile | string | It stores the mobile of admin. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id of booking. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of booking. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of booking. |
Booking Chat
Located in `App/BookingChat` directory, namespace is `App\BookingChat`. To use this model add `use App\BookingChat;’
In booking chat model connects with other models,
- ‘UserDetails’ – To get the user for chat
- ‘ProviderDetails’ – To get the provider for chat
- ‘BookingDetails’ -Booking details is based chat.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of chat. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the booking id of chat. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of chat. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of chat. |
host_id | string | It stores the host id of chat. |
message | text | It stores the message of chat. |
is_delivered | tinyInteger | It stores the delivered status of chat. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of booking chat. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of booking chat. |
Booking Payment
Located in `App/BookingPayment` directory, namespace is `App\BookingPayment`. To use this model add `use App\BookingPayment;’
The booking payment model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in payments.
The payments methods,
- ‘scopebookingpaymentdetails’
- ‘scopebookingpaymentdetailsview’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of booking payment. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the booking id of booking payment. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of booking payment. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of booking payment. |
host_id | string | It stores the host id of booking payment. |
payment_id | string | It stores the payment id of booking payment. |
payment_mode | string | It stores the payment mode for COD/CARD payments |
currency | string | It stores the currecy of the booking payments |
total_time | string | It stores the total time of booking payments |
base_price | float | It stores the booking base price |
time_price | float | It stores the booking time price |
other_price | float | It stores the booking other price |
sub_total | float | It stores the sub total of booking payments |
tax_price | float | It stores the booking tax price |
actual_total | float | It stores the actual amount of booking. |
total | float | It stores the total amount of booking. |
paid_amount | float | It stores the paid amount details for booking payments. |
paid_date | float | It stores the paid date of the booking payments. |
admin_amount | float | It stores the admin commission for the booking. |
provider_amount | float | It stores the provider commission for the booking. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of booking. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of booking. |
Booking Provider Review
Located in `App/BookingProviderReview` directory, namespace is `App\BookingProviderReview`.To use this model add `use App\BookingProviderReview;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of booking payment. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the booking id of booking payment. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of review bookings. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of review bookings. |
host_id | string | It stores the host id of review bookings. |
ratings | string | It stores the ratings of booking hosts |
review | string | It stores the review of booking hosts |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of payment. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of payment. |
Booking User Review
Located in `App/BookingUserReview` directory, namespace is `App\BookingUserReview`.To use this model add `use App\BookingUserReview;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of booking payment. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the booking id of booking payment. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of review bookings. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of review bookings. |
host_id | string | It stores the host id of review bookings. |
ratings | string | It stores the ratings of booking hosts |
review | string | It stores the review of booking hosts |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of payment. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of payment. |
Located in `App/Category` directory, namespace is `App\Category`.To use this model add `use App\Category;’
In this model get the boot method of unique id.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of category. |
unique_id | integer | It stores the unique id of the categories. |
name | string | It stores the name of categories |
provider_name | string | It stores the provider name of category. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of category. |
description | text | It stores the description of category. |
type | string | It stores the type of category. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of category. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of category. |
Located in `App/ChatMessage` directory, namespace is `App\ChatMessage`.To use this model add `use App\ChatMessage;’
Chatmessage are some mandary fillable attributes of below.
host_id, booking_id, provider_id, user_id, message,type, status
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1BookingsRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of category. |
booking_id | integer | It stores the booking id for chat message. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id of chat message. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id of the chat message. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of the chat message. |
type | text | It stores the type of the message(UP,PU). |
type | string | It stores the type of category. |
message | text | It stores the messages. |
is_delivered | integer | It stores delivered messages. |
status | integer | It stores the status of the message. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of message. |
Located in `App/CommonQuestions` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestions`.To use this model add `use App\CommonQuestions;’
In this model connect with some other model related on questions.
- ‘CategoryDetails’ – Question is created on category base
- ‘SubcategoryDetails’ –
– Question is created on subcategory related on category.
In this model get the boot method of unique id.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of questions. |
unique_id | integer | It stores the unique id of the questions. |
category_id | integer | It stores the category id of questions. |
sub_category_id | integer | It stores the sub category id of questions. |
user_question | text | It stores the user questions. |
provider_question | text | It stores the provider questions. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of questions. |
question_type | string | It stores the question type. |
is_searchable | tinyInteger | It stores the searchable values of questions. |
is_inventory | tinyInteger | It stores the inventory values of questions. |
min_value | string | It stores the min value of questions |
default_value | string | It stores the default of questions. |
max_value | string | It stores the max values of questions |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of questions |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of questions. |
Located in `App/CommonQuestionAnswer` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestionAnswer`.To use this model add `use App\Models\CommonQuestionAnswer;’
In this model get the boot method of unique id.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of questionsanswers. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of the questionsanswers |
common_question_id | integer | It stores the common questions id. |
common_answer | text | It stores the common answer of the questions. |
common_provider_answer | text | It stores the common provider question answer. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of questions. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of questions. |
Located in `App/CommonQuestionGroup` directory, namespace is `App\CommonQuestionGroup`.To use this model add `use App\CommonQuestionGroup;’
In this model get the boot method of unique id.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of questionsgroup. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of the questionsgroup |
group_name | string | It stores the group name. |
provider_group_name | string | It stores the provider group name. |
common_question_id | integer | It stores the common question id. |
type | string | It stores the type of questions group. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of questionsgroup. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of questionsgroup. |
Located in `App/Document` directory, namespace is `App\Document`.To use this model add `use App\Document;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of documents. |
name | string | It stores the name of documents |
description | string | It stores the description of document. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of document. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of document. |
Located in `App/Host` directory, namespace is `App\Host`.To use this model add `use App\Host;’
In this model is connect with some other models.
- ‘hostAvailabilities()’ – Get the availabilities hosts.
- ‘hostGalleries()’ –
– Get the host galleries. - ‘hostInventories()’ –
– Get the host inventories. - ‘hostQuestionAnswers()’ –
– Get the host question answers. - ‘bookings()’ –
– Get the host bookings. - ‘providerDetails()’ –
-Get the host booking providers.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of host. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of host |
category_id | integer | It stores the cateory id of host |
sub_category_id | integer | It stores the sub category id of host. |
host_name | string | It stores the host name. |
description | text | It stores the host description |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the host. |
latitude | double | It stores the latitude of host location. |
longitude | double | It stores the longitude of host location |
full_address | text | It stores the full address of host location. |
street_details | string | It stores the street details of host |
city | string | It stores the city of the host. |
state | string | It stores the state of host |
zipcode | string | It stores the zip code of the host. |
base_price | float | It stores the base price of host. |
per_price | float | It stores the per price of host. |
tax_price | float | It stores the tax price of host |
overall_ratings | float | It stores the overall ratings of host. |
total_ratings | integer | It stores the total ratings of host |
is_admin_verified | tinyInteger | It stores the admin verified status. |
admin_status | tinyInteger | It stores the admin status for host. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of host |
uploaded_by | string | It stores the uploaded by the host |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host. |
Host Availability
Located in `App/HostAvailability` directory, namespace is `App\HostAvailability`.To use this model add `use App\HostAvailability;’
No migrations files.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of hostavailable. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id for available host. |
available_date | dateTime | It stores the host available date. |
sub_category_id | integer | It stores the sub category id of host. |
total | string | It stores the total number of host available. |
remaining | string | It stores the host remaining details. |
booked | string | It stores the booked host details. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of host |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host. |
Host Availability List
Located in `App/HostAvailabilityList` directory, namespace is `App\HostAvailabilityList`.To use this model add `use App\HostAvailabilityList;’
No migrations files.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of hostavailable. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id for available host. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id. |
from_date | dateTime | It stores the from date. |
to_date | dateTime | It stores the to date. |
spaces | string | It stores the space details. |
type | tinyInteger | It stores the host type |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of host |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host. |
Host Details
Located in `App/HostDetails` directory, namespace is `App\HostDetails`.To use this model add `use App\HostDetails;’
No migrations files.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of hostdetails. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id for available host. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of host details |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host. |
Host Gallery
Located in `App/HostGallery` directory, namespace is `App\HostGallery`.To use this model add `use App\HostGallery;’
No migrations files.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of host. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id. |
picture | string | It stores the host pictures. |
caption | integer | IIt stores the caption pictures of host. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of host gallery. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host gallery. |
Host Inventory
Located in `App/HostInventory` directory, namespace is `App\HostInventory`.To use this model add `use App\HostInventory;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of host. |
host_id | integer | It stores the host id. |
common_question_id | integer | It stores the host inventories common questions. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host inventories. |
Host Question Answer
Located in `App/HostQuestionAnswer` directory, namespace is `App\HostQuestionAnswer`.To use this model add `use App\HostQuestionAnswer;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of host questions answer. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the host id. |
common_question_id | integer | It stores the host common questions id. |
common_question_answer_id | integer | It stores the host common question answer id. |
answers | text | It stores the answers of hosts. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of questions. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of host questions answers. |
Located in `App/Lookups` directory, namespace is `App\Lookups`.To use this model add `use App\Lookups;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of lookups. |
type | string | It stores the lookups type. |
key | string | It stores the lookups key. |
value | string | It stores the lookups value. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of questions. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of lookups |
Mobile Register
Located in `App/MobileRegister` directory, namespace is `App\MobileRegister`.To use this model add `use App\MobileRegister;’
In this model is get the mobile register details.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of mobile register. |
type | string | It stores the type of mobile register. |
count | integer | It stores the total number count in mobile register. |
user_type | string | It stores the user type. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of mobile register. |
Page Counter
Located in `App/PageCounter` directory, namespace is `App\PageCounter`.To use this model add `use App\PageCounter;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of page. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of page. |
page | string | It stores the page details. |
count | Integer | It stores the pages count. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of pages. |
Located in `App/Provider` directory, namespace is `App\Provider`.To use this model add `use App\Provider;’
In this provider is related on some other models.
- ‘hosts()’ – Get the availabilities hosts.
- ‘providerCards()’ –
– Provider add cards.
The provider model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in providers.
The provider methods,
- ‘scopeCommonResponse’
- ‘generateEmailCode’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of provider. |
username | string | It stores the username of the provider |
first_name | string | It stores the firstname of the provider. |
last_name | string | It stores the last name of the provider. |
string | It stores the email of the provider. | |
token | string | It stores the token of the provider. |
provider_type | string | It stores the provider type. |
email_verified_at | timestamp | It stores email verified status. |
password | string | It stores the password of the provider. |
description | string | It stores the description of provider. |
mobile | string | It stores the mobile number of provider. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the provider. |
token_expiry | string | It stores the token expiry for provider. |
user_type | tinyInteger | It stores the user type . |
language_id | integer | It stores the language id of provider. |
device_token | string | It stores device token details |
device_type | enum | It stores device type. (‘web’,’android’,’ios’) |
register_type | enum | It stores the register type.(‘web’,’android’,’ios’) |
login_by | enum | It stores the login by details.(‘manual’,’facebook’,’google’,’twitter’ , ‘linkedin’) |
social_unique_id | string | It stores the provider social unique id details. |
gender | enum | It store the gender of the provider.(‘male’,’female’,’others’) |
payment_mode | string | It stores the payment mode (cod, card) |
provider_card_id | string | It stores the provider card id. |
registration_steps | tinyInteger | It stores the registration steps. |
email_notification_status | integer | It stores the email notification status. |
is_verified | integer | It stores the verified status. |
verification_code | string | It stores the verification code of the provider. |
verification_code_expiry | string | It stores the verification code expiry. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of provider.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
Provider Billing Info
Located in `App/ProviderBillingInfo` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderBillingInfo`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderBillingInfo;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider billing info. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the id of provider. |
account_name | string | It stores the account name of the provider. |
paypal_email | string | It stores the paypal email of the provider. |
account_no | string | It stores the account number of the provider. |
route_no | string | It stores rounte number of the provider. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider billing info. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of provider.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
Located in `App/ProviderCard` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderCard`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderCard;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider card. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id. |
card_name | string | It stores the customer id of card. |
customer_id | string | It stores the pages count. |
last_four | string | It stores the last four digits of provider card. |
card_token | string | It stores the card token details. |
is_default | string | It stores the card default status. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider card. |
Provider Details
Located in `App/ProviderDetails` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderDetails`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderDetails;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider details. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider status. |
Provider Document
Located in `App/ProviderDocument` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderDocument`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderDocument;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/CreateProviderDocumentsTable
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider document it. |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id. |
document_id | integer | It stores the document id. |
document_url | string | It stores the document url. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider documents. |
Provider Subscription
Located in `App/ProviderSubscription` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderSubscription`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderSubscription;’
Provider subscription models get the common details for provider subscriptions.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description | |
id | increments | It stores the id of provider subscription. | |
unique_id | integer | It stores the provider subscription unique id. | |
title | string | It stores the title of the provider subscription. | |
description | text | It stores the description of provider subscription. | |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the subscription. | |
amount | string | It stores the amount of the subscription. | |
plan | string | It stores the plan of the subscription. | |
plan_type | enum | It stores the plan type of subscription(PLAN_TYPE_MONTH, PLAN_TYPE_DAY, PLAN_TYPE_YEAR). | |
total_subscribers | integer | It stores the total subscribers count of the subscription. | |
status | integer | It stores the status of the subscription. | |
is_popular | integer | It stores the status of popular/unpopular the subscription. | |
is_free_subscription | integer | It stores the free subscription or not status. |
Provider Subscription Payments
Located in `App/ProviderSubscriptionPayment` directory, namespace is `App\ProviderSubscriptionPayment`.To use this model add `use App\ProviderSubscriptionPayment;’
Store the provider subscription payments details.Below functions are get the provider details and subscription details based on payments.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description | |
id | increments | It stores the id of subscription payments. | |
provider_id | integer | It stores the provider id of payments. | |
provider_subscription_id | Integer | It stores the provider subscription id the payments. | |
payment_id | string | It stores the payment id for subscription payments. | |
payment_mode | string | It stores the subscripion payment mode(CARD). | |
expiry_date | dateTime | It stores the payment expiry date. | |
subscription_amount | float | It stores the subscription amount. | |
paid_amount | float | It stores the paid amount of subscriptions. | |
paid_date | dateTime | It stores the paid date of the subscription amount. | |
status | integer | It stores the status of the payments(paid/Not paid). | |
is_current_subscription | integer | It stores the current subscription or not status. | |
is_cancelled | integer | It stores the susbcription cancelled or not status. | |
cancelled_reason | string | It stores the cancelled reason of the payments. | |
subscribed_by | string | It stores the subscribed by provider. |
Service Location
Located in `App/ServiceLocation` directory, namespace is `App\ServiceLocation`.To use this model add `use App\ServiceLocation;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of service location. |
unique_id | integer | It stores the unique id of service location. |
name | string | It stores the name of the service location. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the service locations. |
description | text | It stores the description of the location. |
address | string | It stores the address of the service locations. |
cover_radius | string | It stores the radius of the location. |
latitude | double | It stores the latitude of the service location. |
longitude | double | It stores the longitude of the service location. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of service location. |
Located in `App/Settings` directory, namespace is `App\Settings`.To use this model add `use App\Settings;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/CreateSettingsTable
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of settings. |
key | string | It stores the key of settings. |
value | text | It stores the value of the settings. |
Static Page
Located in `App/StaticPage` directory, namespace is `App\StaticPage`.To use this model add `use App\StaticPage;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1SettingsRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of static pages. |
unique_id | integer | It stores the unique id of pages. |
title | text | It stores the title of static pages. |
description | text | It stores the description of pages. |
type | enum | It stores the type of pages. ( ‘about’,’privacy’,’terms’,’refund’,’faq’,’help’,’contact’,’others’) |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of pages. |
Located in `App/SubCategory` directory, namespace is `App\SubCategory`.To use this model add `use App\SubCategory;’
In this model related on category model
- ‘categoryDetails()’ – Get the category details.
Create the unique_id of subcategory.
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1HostRelatedMigrations
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of service location. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of subcategory. |
category_id | integer | It stores the category id related on subcategory. |
name | string | It stores the name of the subcategory. |
provider_name | string | It stores the subcategory related on provider name. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the subcategory. |
description | text | It stores the description of subcategory. |
type | string | It stores the type of subcategory. |
status | integer | It stores the status of pages. |
Located in `App/User` directory, namespace is `App\User`.To use this model add `use App\User;’
In this model is connected to some other models.
- ‘userCards()’
- ‘wishlists()’
- ‘userBookings()’
TThe user model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in user details.
The user methods,
- ‘generateEmailCode’
- ‘scopeCommonResponse’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of user. |
unique_id | string | It stores the unique id of user. |
username | string | It stores the username of the user |
first_name | string | It stores the firstname of the user. |
last_name | string | It stores the last name of the user. |
string | It stores the email of the user. | |
token | string | It stores the token of the user. |
email_verified_at | timestamp | It stores email verified status. |
password | string | It stores the password of the user. |
dob | string | It stores the dob of the user. |
description | string | It stores the description of user. |
mobile | string | It stores the mobile number of user. |
picture | string | It stores the picture of the user. |
token_expiry | string | It stores the token expiry for user. |
user_type | tinyInteger | It stores the user type . |
language_id | integer | It stores the language id of user. |
device_token | string | It stores device token details |
device_type | enum | It stores device type. (‘web’,’android’,’ios’) |
register_type | enum | It stores the register type.(‘web’,’android’,’ios’) |
login_by | enum | It stores the login by details.(‘manual’,’facebook’,’google’,’twitter’ , ‘linkedin’) |
social_unique_id | string | It stores the user social unique id details. |
gender | enum | It store the gender of the user.(‘male’,’female’,’others’) |
payment_mode | string | It stores the payment mode (cod, card) |
user_card_id | string | It stores the user card id. |
registration_steps | tinyInteger | It stores the registration steps. |
push_notification_status | integer | It stores the push notification status. |
email_notification_status | integer | It stores the email notification status. |
is_verified | integer | It stores the verified status. |
verification_code | string | It stores the verification code of the user. |
verification_code_expiry | string | It stores the verification code expiry. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of provider. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of user.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
User Billing Info
Located in `App/UserBillingInfo` directory, namespace is `App\UserBillingInfo`.To use this model add `use App\UserBillingInfo;’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of user billing info. |
user_id | integer | It stores the id of user. |
account_name | string | It stores the account name of the user. |
paypal_email | string | It stores the paypal email of the user. |
account_no | string | It stores the account number of the user. |
route_no | string | It stores rounte number of the user. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of user billing info. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of user.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
User Card
Located in `App/UserCard` directory, namespace is `App\UserCard`.To use this model add `use App\UserCard;’
In this model is belongs to user details model
- ‘userDetails()’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of user card. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id. |
card_name | string | It stores the customer id of card. |
customer_id | string | It stores the pages count. |
last_four | string | It stores the last four digits of user card. |
card_token | string | It stores the card token details. |
is_default | string | It stores the card default status. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of user card. |
User Refund
Located in `App/UserRefund` directory, namespace is `App\UserRefund`.To use this model add `use App\UserRefund;’
In this model is belongs to user details model
- ‘userDetails()’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of user refund. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id. |
total | float | It stores total amount of user refunds. |
paid_amount | float | It stores the paid amount for user refund. |
remaining_amount | float | It stores the remaining amount of user refund. |
paid_date | dateTime | It stores the paid date for user refunds. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of user refund. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of user refund.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
User Vehicle
Located in `App/UserVehicle` directory, namespace is `App\UserVehicle`.To use this model add `use App\UserVehicle;’
In this model is belongs to user vehicle details model
- ‘scopeCommonResponse()’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of user vehicle. |
user_id | integer | It stores the user id. |
vehicle_type | string | It stores user vehicle type. |
vehicle_number | string | It stores user vehicle number. |
vehicle_brand | string | It stores the user vehicle brand. |
vehicle_model | string | It stores the user vehicle model. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of user vehicle. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of user vehicle.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |
Located in `App/Wishlist` directory, namespace is `App\Wishlist`.To use this model add `use App\Wishlist;’
In this model is belongs to user details model
- ‘userDetails()’
The wishlist model is custom function is available. You just call the function for all the page in user details.
The wishlist methods,
- ‘scopeCommonResponse’
DB connections for the migrations table database/migrations/AddV1AuthRelatedTables
The attributes are listed below.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | increments | It stores the id of wishlist. |
name | integer | It stores the name of the wishlist. |
host_id | string | It stores the host id. |
user_id | string | It stores the user id. |
status | tinyInteger | It stores the status of wishlist. |
timezone | string | It stores the timezone of wishlist.(‘America/Los_Angeles’) |