Parking is an essential part of our world and our ecosystem. Whether it is an occasion, an event, or our routine lives, it all requires parking space. As a matter of fact, this is one of the few industrial sectors that is unlikely to witness a decline. As long as there are vehicles on the road, the need for parking is never going to subside. Parking is necessary starting right from our homes to any and all purposes that we can wrap our minds around.

Since parking plays such an essential role in our lives and the lives of parking management business enterprises, it is quite relatable with some of Sigmund Freud’s principles. At times parking can prove to be a frustrating task and if not managed properly it can lead to chaotic outcomes. This is why we are going to look at how some of Freud’s principles can be applied to parking.

Who is Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud was a neurologist of Austrian origin and the founder of Psychoanalysis, which is a clinical method to treat psychopathology through a dialogue between the patient and the psychoanalyst. He is also known as the father of modern psychology and one of the most quoted clinical psychologists.

Here are four basic principles of Sigmund Freud and what they teach about parking.

  •         The Unconscious of Parking:

The unconscious in brief is a part of the mental apparatus that holds a person back from recovering from past trauma as it is unaware when awake and aware when mesmerized. In the same way, in the parking management business, there are several aspects that hold the business down, which in most cases the parking management business entrepreneurs and managers are unaware of.

You might be wondering why your parking management business is not growing the way it is supposed to or recover from a bad patch in the course of the business. Well, the unconscious in the case of your parking business might be bad decisions, non-strategic moves, irrelevant market research, etc., you might have integrated in the past.

In such cases, it is difficult to analyze and determine these past errors as the entrepreneurs and business managers become unaware of them as they are busy running the business. To deal with the unconsciousness of parking, it is necessary for the entrepreneurs and business managers to take some time out and introspect the past course of their business model.

  •         The Interpretation of Dreams/Business Prospect:

Sigmund Freud defined dreams in two ways: 1. A disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish. 2. Recollection of recent or earlier traumata. In both these cases, it is important to interpret the dreams regardless of their nature and type.

In parking terms, the interpretation of dreams implies the former definition of the dream by Sigmund Freud, which translates to the future prospect of the parking management business. Your parking dream is ‘How you imagine your parking business to be!’ and the interpretation of that dream is ‘How you are planning to get there!’ and ‘What strategies you are going to use to get there’.

You need to remember that the interpretation of the dream is purely subject to what the dream is. Therefore, there is no thumb rule of how to achieve the future prospect of your parking business, because what you want to devise depends purely on how you want your parking business to be and where you are right now. All these criteria should be taken into consideration in the process of defining the business prospect.

  •         Pleasure and Reality Principles/ Pragmatic Parking Goals:

This is a two-part principle as it deals with both pleasure and reality individually. Firstly, the pleasure principle is what makes the unconscious strive to indulge pleasure and avoid displeasure simultaneously. The accumulation of negative energy inside the mental apparatus leads to displeasure and the organism constantly strives to keep the negative energy level low. Secondly, the reality principle is the act of enduring displeasure until it can be eliminated by adequate and appropriate action.

The application of pleasure and reality principles in the parking business is remarkably unique. In parking, it is quite tempting to adapt to the pleasure principle as it is less troublesome to simply avoid the displeasures/problems in the parking business. However, it will have dire repercussions in the long run of the parking business because by avoiding the problems it only gets accumulated for a later time, which might lead to catastrophic results.

Therefore, the reality principle is the most applicable principle for the parking business as it enables the parking business entrepreneurs and managers to find a solution to the problem in the parking industry as and when they face it. Enduring a problem is certainly difficult but can be mitigated quickly with an adequate and appropriate plan of action. The reality principle also helps the parking management business set pragmatic goals that are achievable.

  •         Id, Ego, and Superego/ Striking the Balance:

This is one of Freud’s most enduring and important ideas of the human psyche. The tripartite structure of the psyche has been characterized as Id, Ego, and Superego. Although each part of the tripartite psyche structure is unique, they are in constant interaction to form a whole. A brief description of this psyche structure is:

o   Id it is the primitive and instinctive component of the personality. It is also the impulsive part of the Psyche that reacts immediately to the basic urges and desires.

o   Ego – it is the practical part of the psyche that mediates between Id and the reality of the external world. It is also the decision-making aspect of the personality.

o   Superego – it comprises the values and morals of the society that are learnt from one’s parents and other influential personalities. It also has the function of controlling the impulses and urges of Id.

Freud’s idea of Id, Ego, and Superego is present among parking business enterprises as well. Id, the impulse to implement certain strategies and equipment because of peer pressure and the urge to keep up with the competition, whether or not they are needed. Superego, the danger of overthinking certain aspects of the parking business, especially before implementing something new and innovative. Finally, there is Ego, the level headedness in carrying out the responsibilities of the parking business, or the art of striking a balance between Id and Superego.

One of the most important aspects of the Id, Ego, and Superego principle is that everything that Id and Superego tend to do has to be approved by Ego. In the same way, it is necessary for parking business enterprises to pass through all aspects of instinctual and moral urges to be introspected if they are balanced and growth-promoting.

Sigmund Freud is one of the most prominent and influential figures in the field of psychology and neurology. His ideologies and contribution to both fields are nothing short of spectacular and to draw parking principles from his teachings is the best solution the parking industry can have. Rentcubo, one of the best rental parking software and mobile application development companies, strive to bring the best to the parking forum. Follow us for more such interesting and impacting blogs apart from our top-of-the-line products.